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Dismantling Grey Markets


Find out how grey market structures are created, why they’re harmful for your brand, and how globaleyez eliminates them to stop their destructive impact on your success.

What are Grey Markets


Grey markets arise when your genuine branded products are sold outside of your authorised distribution network. This happens when a business partner dishonours their contract, or third party sellers purchase your products in one country and sell them in another where the price is higher. 

Grey market structures cause serious problems for your brand, including the erosion of price and trust in your distribution network, as well as significant losses of revenue and reputation.


Our solution for your brand 


Several of our services contribute to the successful fight against grey market structures. As each case is unique, we use a dynamically adapted amount and combination of our services to create the perfectly tailored solution for your brand.


Test Purchases

Provide indispensable information about the origins of a product and the identity of its seller.

Marketplace Monitoring

Lets you know which unauthorised marketplaces your products are being sold on.

Image Monitoring

Detects stolen images and unauthorised product listings anywhere on the internet.

Marketplace Sales Tracking

Gives you clear insights into the amount of turnover generated on grey markets.

Partner Compliance

Investigates if your authorised business partners behave according to their contracts.


Removes unauthorised listings from marketplaces, social media and anywhere else online.

Are you facing a unique issue not described above? No problem! Whatever your challenges, together we can work out your brand’s personal grey market solution.


How can we help your brand? 


Grey markets software solution

Discover our innovative software tool perfectly tailored to combat grey markets.

Contact us

We look forward to finding a suitable solution for your challenges together with you.


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